Health & Beauty

How to choose proper hair comb


In shape and size the hair combs are so different. But what is suitable for you and whether or not you take a comb? The secret of choosing the brush lies in her purpose you acquainted with the most common and some other interesting patterns.

1. For well-defined road

Appropriate choice here is the crest of those with long sharp handle that exist in every hairdresser. You can choose to customize the way the end of the handle or sharp teeth so smooth strands of hair are arranged on both sides of the road. Central time on either side of the forehead or zigzag, everything is accomplished quickly and easily.

2. For fine and thin hair

Brush of soft plastic balls on top of the thorns is suitable for combing wet hair because it prevents hair breakage. Ideal option for women with fine and thin hair. The brush has a padded cushion that moves on the scalp, massaged it and makes it healthy and strong.

3. For perfect curls

Wash your hair, take this brush and creates beautiful curls. Its spines are soft and flexible and help untangle curly hair without pulling out. On the other hand large enough to form waves without sticking locks.

4. For lovers of natural products

Such a brush is made from natural materials. Sharp spines stroked the hair from the base of the head to the tip.

5. More bigger volume

Round brush, this is ideal for drying hair and the creation of a volume and the same time a smooth surface of boucle

6. For combing the hair

Large teeth allow for easy arrangement of the hair without pulling and tearing. Use a comb to comb dry hair, as teeth are hard and can cause breakage of wet fine hairs.

7. Combs for doing curls

Do not dry your hair with a brush with metal teeth, they heat from the dryer and can be too dry and even burn the hair. Let the metal part is the basis for the teeth. Then brush used for curling and without burning. This brush will create a soft, flexible curls of damp hair.

8. For long and straight hair

The shape of the brush is suitable for combing hair long and straight and quite evenly. Rubber cushion reduces friction and thus does not create conditions for the creation of static and flying hairs.

My name is Amber Suffolk. The designer and beautician. I like my work and I also like to share my experience with others.

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